Jobs Description
The Government of Punjab Resource Management & Policy Unit Planning & Development Board announced a job and Punjab Resource Management & Policy Unit, is working under the administrative control of the Planning & Development Board Government of Punjab. The Job posts mentioned below and the job under the scheme titled Institutional Strengthening of P&D Board and Capacity Building of Public Sector Employees, announced by the Punjab Resource Management & Policy Unit (PRMPU) required to be filled immediately, purely on a contract basis. Suitable candidates to apply for these posts. The qualifications and experience required for these posts are mentioned below.Candidate Qualifications/ Experience/ Age for Posts
1... Driver requires Qualification is Primary and Require Experience is At least three (03) years of experience in the Public Sector related to L.T.V driving and must have a valid driving license. The job seeker candidate's age is a Maximum of 40 Years.How to Application Submission for the Driver Job
The candidates submit a hard copy through courier to the address listed below along with one copy of CNIC, CV, attested copies of all educational, experience, and other relevant/required documents, and candidate two (02) passport-size photographs submitted by 19th February 2024.The government servant should send their applications through the proper channels and Age relaxation will be applicable according to the government rules. The candidate quota will be applied as per the policy. All Incomplete applications received before the last date and after the closing date will not be received application. PRMPU reserves the right to reject any or all applications at any time without any reason. the organization Only short-listed candidates called for an interview. Market-based remuneration packages shall be offered to the selected candidates. The service of those selected applications will be terminated whose degree(s)/educational certificates are found bogus.PRMPU provides equal opportunity for merit-based selection. Those candidates who have already applied for the above-mentioned positions in response to the advertisement published in the newspaper Roznama Dunya and The Express Tribune vide IPL No. 136 dated, and 06th & 7th January 2024 respectively, do not need to apply.
The director's Punjab address is (PRMPU), 184-A, Upper Mall Scheme, Behind NIPA, Lahore. Ph# 042-99200508, website:
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