1. new jobs advirtesmant
today new newspaper ads were published on the latest jobs site These ads driver driver-related & this job location is in Peshawar. the company requires 311 M-T headquarters at 11 in Peshawar cant. the company requires a complete application & incomplete applications don't show a listing. the company called for short-listed candidates.
driver BPS 04 total job post 03 candidates must belong to quota Balochistan. require education is middle pass & driver license. candidate age limit is 18-30 years.term & condition
the suitable candidate must be a handwritten application with an attested document Candidate interview time shows the original document.
more jobs read for teaching job in Islamabad
NO.02 Job Description
This is the new and latest vacancies advisement in Pakistan. This job vacancy is a driver job & the NLC department requires driver staff. the driver job ads published in the Pakistani newspaper & Sunday jobs paper job info for job seekers. this driver's job & work location are all in Pakistan. the NLC requires an HTV Haviy transport trailer driver because he requires a Trane & professional driver. The NLC needs trane & HTV licenses for older urgent driver requirements.Eligibility for driver job
1...The first Eligibility is the candidate's age limit is under 28 to 52 years required & driver candidate's complete physical fitness is required.2.... Qualification is a middle/matric pass driver requires.
3.... driver candidates must require HTV driving licenses.
Driver salary & allowance
The NLC PAY monthly driver salary of 36,545 & a monthly food allowance pay.
2.. The NLC's best employment benefit for drivers is a monthly 40,000.
3.. Monthly cash & award the company awards implies giving deserved drivers is a monthly complete tercet. the award price is 15,000 -30,000.
4.. yearly bonus the company best employs a bonus of 4-8 basic salary.
5.. the company pays monthly vacations and another CP fund.
6.. medical the company pays employees medical service & 150,000 medical allowance.

driver candidate comes in for the interview the company doesn't pay TA/DA. Driver job seekers candidates come to their original NIC &Driving licenses.
Test & interview time and location
driver test time is 9am to 03 pm & the location is mentioned in newspaper ads before applying.
driver candidate comes in for the interview the company doesn't pay TA/DA. Driver job seekers candidates come to their original NIC &Driving licenses.
the newspaper ads by published in newspapers and provided by sundy jobs papers and collected from Pakistan's top newspapers. Our aim is to get job seekers to provide.
and these ads are done as a public service in good faith I am not responsible for any incorrect, misrepresenting, or misleading advertisement. Advertising job vacancies in Pakistan.