description Balochistan police jobs
today's new Balochistan Police Jobs 2023 - Latest Advertisement Online Recruiting data entry operator and junior clerks- barachi - khakroob advertisement published in the newspaper. Balochistan police (CTD) invited applications from all eligible candidates with the local district domicile of Balochistan. In this position, all Balochistan candidates apply, and all candidate qualifications must be recognized and approved institute. the candidate should be an expert in the relevant field. candidate application along with all important documents and card, identity, attested by gazetted officer school, and passport size photograph attached. applications not received after the due date. all candidates will be notified through landline or mobile. candidate must vacancy name should be written clearly on the application form. Otherwise, the form should not be filled out properly. the candidate selected can be posted anywhere in Balochistan. authorized to eliminate vacancies for any reason. candidate age limit should not be less than 21 years and not more than 30 years. our age the government of Balochistan will be found as much as possible according to the law.position name
* data entry operator (bps 12)* junior cleark 9bps 11)
* Barachi (bps -01)
* khakroob(bps -01)
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Balochistan Police Jobs 2023 - Latest Advertisement Online
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