All Balochistan local domicile candidates apply for prescribed all males and females having an application for the following post only those candidates eligible to use the given criteria and experience. latest jobs in Balochistan high court establishment rules 2020
1....PLUMBER (BPS /06) TOTAL POST (01)
2.....DRIVER (BPS /05) TOTEL POST( 05)
3...MALI (BPS 04) TOTEL POST( 05)
4.......SWEEPER (BPS 04) NO OF POST( 03)
Age limit
all vacancies age limited to 18 to 30

all vacancy experience with five years and relevant LTV License with Five-year experience. those Interested candidates must send their application form with two recent passport-size photographs, attested copies of CNIC with copies of educational. experience certificates to the Deputy Registrar, Administration Branch of High Court of Balochistan, Quetta, Candidates applying through proper channels must attach departmental NO.C with the application form. The last date for submission of the application form is 20.05.2023. The prescribed form can be obtained from the Administration Branch of the High Court of Balochistan during office hours or by visiting the official website No TADA will be admissible. In the case of a person who is already in government service, the upper age limit shall be 35 years, subject to the condition.